Do you have your
Black Card?
The Obsidian Black Card was created to be the standard of being recognized as a member in good standing of the Global Black Community (GBC). Our speech and actions empower our members, honoring the teachings and sacrifices of our elders throughout the Diaspora.
About Obsidian Black Card
Started by our dedicated and visionary founders in the year 2020, Obsidian Black Card has grown into an impactful Social Movement. We emphasize solidarity in everything we do, setting bold goals, and pursuing a clear strategy that seeks to protect and empower our people. We are constantly growing and adapting to the changes of society and invite you to learn more about how you can make an impact where you live.
Our Causes
Driven by making an impact and inspiring change, our Social Movement is always expanding our understanding of contemporary issues and developing campaigns pushing for positive solutions. Learn more about our focus below.
Protect Black Women
Ensuring that All Voices are Heard
Advocacy is an essential pillar of our Social Movement. There can be no safe and productive communities until Black Women can walk decent streets, safely. We will protect our Sisters. Want to learn more?
Black Rangers - Youth in Action!
Cultivating Young Minds
As a large movement of activists, Outreach is close to our hearts. We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission to build awareness so that this is a possibility across the globe.